Yesterday's loss to the Ravens was embarassing enough. A humiliating way to close out Texas Stadium, but more on that in a minute. For 56 and a half minutes the defense kept us in the game while the offense sputtered with penalties, incompletions and a general lack of focus. Then the dam burst and the defense gave up two long touchdowns on successive plays and the game was over. This loss should cost Wade Phillips his job and Jason Garrett too. If you're the head coach and you call the defensive scheme then you have to accept responsibility for what happened. By the way, remember the fake punt? That's a coaching issue.
But hope still lives and the dream is still alive! Win and we're in.
Somewhere Texas E. Schramm is fuming. Watching the final farewell to Texas Stadium on television was embarrassing. It was too long. Roger Staubach rambled incoherently and the quality of the production was minor league. Not Frisco minor league but Hooterville minor league. It looked like somebody drew it up on a napkin. Too bad. Jerry Jones should know better but then again maybe he doesn't and that's the problem.....Until next time from somehwere in the Cowboy nation.